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ide_script [2021/01/31 19:05]
admin [Include File]
ide_script [2024/01/02 19:28] (current)
admin [Plugins]
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 Activated plugins will automatically added to code assist (Ctrl-Space). Activated plugins will automatically added to code assist (Ctrl-Space).
-More info can be found at [[Plugins]] and [[http://testoptimal.com/v6/apidocs/ | System and Plugin Functions]].+More info can be found at [[Plugins]] and [[http://testoptimal.com/v7/apidocs/ | System and Plugin Functions]].
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 //MCASE Script// is where //MCase// are defined. //MCASE Script// is where //MCase// are defined.
-//MCase// is a custom test case / workflow that you defined explicitly for the system to generate a sequence path from the model to achieve specific scenario. +Often times you may have a set of specific test scenarios you want to make sure are covered to complement the system generated test cases.  You can achieve just that with //MCase// -  a custom test case / workflow that you defined explicitly for the system to generate a sequence path from the model to achieve specific scenario. 
 Consider your model as a map to //GPS//, //MCase// is just a set of way points you want to visit. When you execute //MCase//, a sequence  path (trip/route) is auto-generated from your model. Consider your model as a map to //GPS//, //MCase// is just a set of way points you want to visit. When you execute //MCase//, a sequence  path (trip/route) is auto-generated from your model.