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license_keys_tab [2016/09/22 02:35] external edit
license_keys_tab [2021/01/05 03:00] (current)
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 You may enter a category code to reserve the license key for certain //Runtime// servers. For example you may have a //Runtime// license key that allows more plugin options to run on a specific host and you can use the category code to instruct //Server Manager// to only assign this license key to the //Runtime// server with the matching category code. You may enter a category code to reserve the license key for certain //Runtime// servers. For example you may have a //Runtime// license key that allows more plugin options to run on a specific host and you can use the category code to instruct //Server Manager// to only assign this license key to the //Runtime// server with the matching category code.
-For float license keys (ProMBT, BasicMBT, EnterpriseMBT), you must enter the license email address in Cat Code field.  This allows ProMBT server to obtain the correct license key from SvrMgr.+For float license keys (ProMBT, Enterprise), you must enter the email address of the user who will be using this license in Cat Code field.  This allows ProMBT server to obtain the correct license key from SvrMgr.
 Any //Runtime// server added by [[Server List Tab|Server List Tab]] are automatically configured to be managed by [[server_manager_edition|Server Manager]]. Any //Runtime// server added by [[Server List Tab|Server List Tab]] are automatically configured to be managed by [[server_manager_edition|Server Manager]].