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Jenkins Plugin

TestOptimal Jenkins Plugin integrates TestOptimal with your Continuous Integration (CI) build process. It allows you to add build steps to remotely execute TestOptimal models on Runtime Servers.

Plugin Installation

To install this plugin to your Jenkins server, follow the following steps:

  1. Download plugin by clicking Model Test Runner Plugin
  2. Follow Jenkins standard plugin installation instruction: How To Install Plugins to upload/install the downloaded ModelTestRunnerPlugin.hpi to your Jenkins server.

If you are updating this plugin, you must re-start Jenkins server to activate the new version.

After the installation, Run Model Test Suites is added to Add build step and Add post build action dropdown lists as shown below.

testoptimal.com_img_jenkinsmodelsplugin_buildaction.jpg testoptimal.com_img_jenkinsmodelsplugin_postbuildaction.jpg

Create Build Step

This plugin can be used to create a build step as well as a post build action.

To create a step to execute models on TestOptimal Runtime server, select Run Model Test Suites and fill out the following screen:


The first 4 fields are required while the rest are optional. Click on the “?” next to the field for context help.

You may create multiple build steps using this plugin but you can only create one post build action.

Running Build Step

The build step configured with this plugin will be executed when the build task is executed. The full output of the model executions stats are stored in the build task Console Output.

Failure from the model execution will cause build task to fail just like any other build step. Check the build task Console Output for the details of the failure.