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data_design_ide [2021/02/12 15:28]
admin [DEFINE]
data_design_ide [2021/02/14 02:43] (current)
admin [SCRIPT]
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-===== Data Design IDE =====+====== Data Design IDE ======
 //Data Design IDE// is the development and execution (automation) of combinatorial test design models. This is typically used to generate a set of minimal permutations of variables to achieve the desired coverage using [[Combinatorial Algorithms| Combinatorial Testing]].  //Data Design IDE// is the development and execution (automation) of combinatorial test design models. This is typically used to generate a set of minimal permutations of variables to achieve the desired coverage using [[Combinatorial Algorithms| Combinatorial Testing]]. 
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-==== DEFINE ====+===== DEFINE =====
 {{wiki:idescreen:datadesign_main.png?800}} {{wiki:idescreen:datadesign_main.png?800}}
-=== Variables ===+==== Variables ====
 In //DEFINE//, you define the testing variables as well as the expected result variables. In //DEFINE//, you define the testing variables as well as the expected result variables.
   * //Variable Name// - variables must have unique names and preferably legal java variable names   * //Variable Name// - variables must have unique names and preferably legal java variable names
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   * //Coupling// - used to couple / tie this variable to another variable. For example CreditCardType and CreditCardNumber should be coupled together as CreditCardNumber for VISA must match CreditCardType of VISA. Variables coupled together must have the same number of //Domain// values.   * //Coupling// - used to couple / tie this variable to another variable. For example CreditCardType and CreditCardNumber should be coupled together as CreditCardNumber for VISA must match CreditCardType of VISA. Variables coupled together must have the same number of //Domain// values.
-== Domain Expression ==+=== Domain Expression ===
 Domain values for non-//Derived// variables must be static values. Domain values for non-//Derived// variables must be static values.
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 Use [blank] to encode blank string and [null] for null string/object. Use [blank] to encode blank string and [null] for null string/object.
-=== Constraints / Rules ===+==== Constraints / Rules ====
 When designing test data using combinatorial testing techniques, we often need to remove or avoid certain combinations as they are either unfeasible or unnecessary for whatever reason.  You can remove these unwanted combinations manually after the test combinations have been generated, but that's tedious and prone to errors. Depending on number of test combinations generated, manually removing unwanted combinations may even be impossible due to large volume. When designing test data using combinatorial testing techniques, we often need to remove or avoid certain combinations as they are either unfeasible or unnecessary for whatever reason.  You can remove these unwanted combinations manually after the test combinations have been generated, but that's tedious and prone to errors. Depending on number of test combinations generated, manually removing unwanted combinations may even be impossible due to large volume.
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-==== GENERATE ====+===== GENERATE =====
 {{wiki:idescreen:datadesign_generate.png?800}} {{wiki:idescreen:datadesign_generate.png?800}}
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 Be aware that any changes to //DataTable// will affect the coverage, and the changes made will be lost next time //DataTable// is re-generated. In most cases, the customization can be accomplished with //Constraints// and //Derived// as described in [[#DEFINE]] above. Be aware that any changes to //DataTable// will affect the coverage, and the changes made will be lost next time //DataTable// is re-generated. In most cases, the customization can be accomplished with //Constraints// and //Derived// as described in [[#DEFINE]] above.
-=== Mixed Strengths ===+==== Mixed Strengths ====
 By default, //Overall Strength// applies to all variables excluding //Derived// variables. In cases you wish to apply more rigorous testing than other variables.  You can do so by selecting //Mixed// in //Overall Strength// and and apply specific level of strength for each subset of the variables.   By default, //Overall Strength// applies to all variables excluding //Derived// variables. In cases you wish to apply more rigorous testing than other variables.  You can do so by selecting //Mixed// in //Overall Strength// and and apply specific level of strength for each subset of the variables.  
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-==== SCRIPT ====+===== SCRIPT =====
 {{wiki:idescreen:datadesign_script.png?800}} {{wiki:idescreen:datadesign_script.png?800}}
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 The order object "order1" is assigned to $VAR.  It can then be used in //Domain// expression as: The order object "order1" is assigned to $VAR.  It can then be used in //Domain// expression as:
    $UTIL.toJSON($VAR.order1)    $UTIL.toJSON($VAR.order1)
 +//INIT// script is for initialization of variables, e.g. environment, user name, password, etc., the variables that may need to be changed from execution to execution.
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-==== EXECUTE ====+===== EXECUTE =====
 {{wiki:idescreen:datadesign_execute.png?800}} {{wiki:idescreen:datadesign_execute.png?800}}