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dashboard [2020/05/19 04:09] – [Project] admindashboard [2024/01/02 22:56] (current) admin
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-===== Dashboard ====+==== Dashboard ====
-//Dashboard// helps you track and monitor key performance indicators in your software testing process.  It is customizable to fit your needs. +
- +
-//Dasyboard// is not available for //Community Edition//+
- +
-{{wiki:idescreen:dashboard.png?600}} +
- +
-The graphs are organized in groups and graph group contains individual graph from the stats/matrix and KPI. Simple customization can be accomplished with [[#Configure Dashboard]].  For expert users, you can edit the //config/DashboardConfig.json//+
- +
-Stats and KPIs are collected by a scheduled job that runs daily at 3am.  The job can be started manually by clicking on the upper-right mini-button. +
-==== Configure Dashboard ==== +
-{{wiki:idescreen:dashboard_config.png?300}} +
- +
-  * Project - models are grouped into projects, see [[#Project]] +
-  * Stats Window - KPI collection interval: daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. +
-  * KPI Name - KPI and metrx / stats to be displayed +
- +
----- +
-==== Project ==== +
-{{wiki:idescreen:dashboard_project.png?650}} +
- +
-Models are grouped into projects for reporting and summarizing into KPIs. +
- +
- +
-Dashboard graphs can be then be configured to show KPIs and stats for the project - this will require graph customization. +
- +
----- +
-==== Reports ==== +
-{{wiki:idescreen:dashboard_report.png}} +
- +
 +Currently it displays a summary of model executions showing several key performance indicator.