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ide_artifact [2020/05/03 19:28] adminide_artifact [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
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 +==== Folder Structure ====
 +Each model has the standard set of folders:
 +  * dataset - dataset files created by //DATASET//
 +  * model - model json and script files
 +  * report - output reports and files
 +  * temp - temporary files created by model execution
 +  * snapscreen - screenshots taken during model execution
 +  * uimap - element UI images used by //Sikulix// plugin
 +The file model.lock is used by the system to identify who has the lock on the model.  It is automatically deleted when the model lock is released.
 +==== Download Model Zip ====
 +You may download the model as a zip file to be archived or share with others.  The downloaded zip file can be unzipped into another //TestOptimal// installation.