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ide_dataset [2020/05/10 02:20] – [IDE DataSet Editor] adminide_dataset [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
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 To create a dataset, click on "+" mini-button. The dataset is created with a default name, proceed to rename the dataset. To create a dataset, click on "+" mini-button. The dataset is created with a default name, proceed to rename the dataset.
-New dataset created is automatically added to the dataset drop-down list for [[State Properties]] and [[Transition Properties]].+New dataset created is automatically added to the dataset drop-down list for {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_stateprop.png?linkonly | State Properties}} and {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_transprop.png?linkonly | Transition Properties}}.
 Dataset is assigned to state and transition by name. If dataset is renamed after it's assigned to a state or transition, you must re-assign the dataset to those states and transitions. Dataset is assigned to state and transition by name. If dataset is renamed after it's assigned to a state or transition, you must re-assign the dataset to those states and transitions.