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ide_model [2020/06/10 18:07] – [Modeling Canvas] adminide_model [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
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 Canvas has three modes matching mini button groups on tool pallet:  Canvas has three modes matching mini button groups on tool pallet: 
-  * //Edit// ★ - edit and move states/transitions +  * //Edit// 
-  * //Add// O etc. - add states and transitions +  * //Add// 
-  * // Mark// ☆ - mark / select states and transitions for set operation or to cover by model execution +  * //Mark//
- +
-You will also notice that the background for the modeling canvas changes for each model: white, blueish and pinkish.+
 === Tool Pallet === === Tool Pallet ===
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 The mini buttons in tool pallet are divided into three groups: The mini buttons in tool pallet are divided into three groups:
-  * create, edit and move states/transitions and edit properties +  * ★ edit move states/transitions and edit properties 
-  * mark / select states/transitions for set operations +  * O add states and transitions 
-  * views and additional features+  * ☆ mark / select states/transitions for set operations 
 +You will also notice that the background for the modeling canvas changes for each mode: white, blueish and pinkish.
 === Creating New States === === Creating New States ===
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 ---- ----
 ==== Context Menus ==== ==== Context Menus ====
-//States and Transitions// have contextual menus. To open the context menus, hover mouse over the state or transition label and click {{http://testoptimal.com/to.ico}}.+//States and Transitions// have contextual menus. To open the context menus, hover mouse over the state or transition label and click. on {{http://testoptimal.com/to.ico}}
 Menu items has hover title describing the action for the menu item. Menu items has hover title describing the action for the menu item.
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   * toggle breakpoint,    * toggle breakpoint, 
   * highlight incoming and outgoing transitions with different color and auto re-route all incoming and outgoing transitions.   * highlight incoming and outgoing transitions with different color and auto re-route all incoming and outgoing transitions.
 +  * open trigger (script)
 {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_menustate.png?100}} {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_menustate.png?100}}
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   * re-route transition   * re-route transition
   * change source and/or target states   * change source and/or target states
 +  * open trigger (script)
 {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_menutrans.png?100}} {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_menutrans.png?100}}
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   * State ID - required, a unique identifier assigned to the state in the model   * State ID - required, a unique identifier assigned to the state in the model
   * Description - a freetext description   * Description - a freetext description
-  * Sub Model - sub-model attached to the state +  * Sub Model Name - sub-model attached to this state 
-  * Color* - background color, custom class, or css style in json, e.g. {"background": "yellow"+  * Data Set - data set attached to this state 
-  Text Color* - state label color, custom class, or css style in json, e.g. {"font-style": "italic"}+  * State Color/Style: 
 +    * Background* - background color, custom class, or css style in json, e.g. {"background": "yellow"
 +    Label* - state label color, custom class, or css style in json, e.g. {"font-style": "italic"}
   * Activate Type - condition when state is activated. Concurrent Model only.   * Activate Type - condition when state is activated. Concurrent Model only.
     * Traversal Count - count of incoming transition traversals has reached the threshold     * Traversal Count - count of incoming transition traversals has reached the threshold
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   * Hide Name - not to display transition name on model and graphs   * Hide Name - not to display transition name on model and graphs
   * Description - a freetext description   * Description - a freetext description
-  * Color - transition line segment color, custom class name, or css style in json, {"background": "green"}. +  * Transition Color/Style: 
-  Text Color* - transition label color, custom class name, or css style in json, e.g. {"font-style": "italic"}+    * Line - transition line segment color, custom class name, or css style in json, {"background": "green"}. 
 +    Label* - transition label color, custom class name, or css style in json, e.g. {"font-style": "italic"}
   * Weight - weight (importance), transitions with higher weight will likely be traversed more often by Random sequencer   * Weight - weight (importance), transitions with higher weight will likely be traversed more often by Random sequencer
 +  * Data Set - data set attached to this state
   * Traversal Required - minimum number of times the transitions must be traversed. Default 1. Set it to 0 for transitions are required to be traversed (tested).   * Traversal Required - minimum number of times the transitions must be traversed. Default 1. Set it to 0 for transitions are required to be traversed (tested).
   * Guard - boolean expression, transition can  not be traversed until this condition evaluates to true    * Guard - boolean expression, transition can  not be traversed until this condition evaluates to true 
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 ==== Model Execution ==== ==== Model Execution ====
 There are three ways to execute the models: There are three ways to execute the models:
-  * run - normal execution of the model+  * generate test cases/paths without executing scripts 
 +  * run - normal execution of the model to generate test case and execution of automation scripts
   * debug - step through the model to debug   * debug - step through the model to debug
   * play - visualize model execution synchronized with AUT / target process   * play - visualize model execution synchronized with AUT / target process
-This can be accomplished with the shortcut buttons: {{wiki:idescreen:ide_run_btns.png?100}}: +This can be accomplished with the shortcut buttons:  {{wiki:idescreen:ide_run_btns.png?100}} 
-  * Run + 
-  * Stop +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_btn_gen.png?16}} Generate test cases 
-  * Pause +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_btn_run.png?16}} Run model: generate test cases and execute automation scripts 
-  * Step Over +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_btn_stop.png?16}} Stop model execution 
-  * Debug - run and pause on initial state +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_btn_pause.png?16}} Pause model execution 
-  * Play+  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_btn_step.png?16}} Step Over model execution to next state/transition 
 +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_btn_debug.png?16}} Debug - run and pause on initial state 
 +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_model_btn_play.png?16}} Play model in animation mode
 Model execution can be monitored with [[ide_monitor | Execution Monitor ]]. Model execution can be monitored with [[ide_monitor | Execution Monitor ]].
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 ---- ----
 ====Log Files ==== ====Log Files ====
-There are two types of log files, they can be accessed via {{wiki:idescreen:ide_log_btns.png?50}}:+There are two types of log files, they can be accessed via {{wiki:idescreen:ide_log_btns.png?50}} 
   * Model Log - log messages written out by your script using //$SYS.log(...)//, accessible from //Run// menu and [[ide_result| RESULT]] tab.   * Model Log - log messages written out by your script using //$SYS.log(...)//, accessible from //Run// menu and [[ide_result| RESULT]] tab.
   * Server Log - System log messages and errors, it only shows the message for the current model execution. Can also be accessed through //Help Menu// on application header next to //TestOptimal// version number and [[ide_result| RESULT]] tab.   * Server Log - System log messages and errors, it only shows the message for the current model execution. Can also be accessed through //Help Menu// on application header next to //TestOptimal// version number and [[ide_result| RESULT]] tab.