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ide_model [2021/04/29 22:12] – [Model Execution] adminide_model [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
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 ==== Context Menus ==== ==== Context Menus ====
-//States and Transitions// have contextual menus. To open the context menus, hover mouse over the state or transition label and click {{http://testoptimal.com/to.ico}}.+//States and Transitions// have contextual menus. To open the context menus, hover mouse over the state or transition label and click. on {{http://testoptimal.com/to.ico}}
 Menu items has hover title describing the action for the menu item. Menu items has hover title describing the action for the menu item.
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 ====Log Files ==== ====Log Files ====
-There are two types of log files, they can be accessed via {{wiki:idescreen:ide_log_btns.png?50}}:+There are two types of log files, they can be accessed via {{wiki:idescreen:ide_log_btns.png?50}} 
   * Model Log - log messages written out by your script using //$SYS.log(...)//, accessible from //Run// menu and [[ide_result| RESULT]] tab.   * Model Log - log messages written out by your script using //$SYS.log(...)//, accessible from //Run// menu and [[ide_result| RESULT]] tab.
   * Server Log - System log messages and errors, it only shows the message for the current model execution. Can also be accessed through //Help Menu// on application header next to //TestOptimal// version number and [[ide_result| RESULT]] tab.   * Server Log - System log messages and errors, it only shows the message for the current model execution. Can also be accessed through //Help Menu// on application header next to //TestOptimal// version number and [[ide_result| RESULT]] tab.