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ide_result [2020/05/03 18:30] – [Execution Summary] adminide_result [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
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-{{ wiki:idescreen:ide_results.png }}+{{wiki:idescreen:ide_results.png}}
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 ==== Model Coverage ==== ==== Model Coverage ====
 +Coverage achieved by model executions include the state and transition coverage and requirement coverage. The coverage is defined as follows:
 +  * State - considered covered when it's traversed at least once
 +  * Transition - considered covered when it has been traversed at least the number of times required (set in transition properties
 +  * Requirement - considered covered when it's checked at least once regardless if the check is passed or failed
 +Traversals is the number of times a state or transition is traversed.  A transition may be traversed many times but is still considered un-covered if the traversal count is less than required as set in Traversals Required in Transition Properties.
-{{ wiki:idescreen:ide_results_coverage.png }} 
 ==== Requirement Traceability Matrix ==== ==== Requirement Traceability Matrix ====
 +Requirement Traceability Matrix shows requirement coverage by test cases. 
 {{ wiki:idescreen:ide_results_traceability.png }} {{ wiki:idescreen:ide_results_traceability.png }}
 +A requirement may be checked several times by a test case. Requirement coverage is defined as:
 +  * black check - requirement was checked at least once by the test case and all checks if more than once are all passed
 +  * orange X - requirement was checked and at least one of the checks have failed
 +  * Passed Checks - number of times requirement was checked and passed
 +  * Failed Checks - number of times requirement was checked and failed
 +Click on //Passed Checks// and //Failed Checks// to show details of the checks.
 +Click on the //TC_xxxxxx// to go to the specific test case/test path.
 ==== Test Cases / Process Paths ==== ==== Test Cases / Process Paths ====
 +This section shows the detailed steps for the test case and process path executed.
 {{ wiki:idescreen:ide_results_testcases.png }} {{ wiki:idescreen:ide_results_testcases.png }}
 +A light blue vertical bar on the right of the step indicates there was a requirement check and passed.  An orange bar indicates the check failed.
 ==== Manage Execution Result ==== ==== Manage Execution Result ====
 +Execution result/stats are automated recorded and stored in the database.  The stats are tallied for [[Dashboard]] and [[dashboard#Reports | Execution Reports]]. 
 +Execution result/stats are also automatically purged per //History Stats// in {{wiki:idescreen:ide_modelproperties.png?linkonly | Mode Properties }}.  Default value is set to 5.
 +You may manually delete an execution result/stats by clicking on "X".
 +To prevent a specific execution result/stats from being purged, click on the lock mini-button. The stats will be saved until you release the lock and/or manually delete it.
 +[[Different Types of Graphs|Various graphs]] are available to visualize model, test sequence and test coverage.