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installdoc [2023/12/06 23:05] – [Prerequisite] admininstalldoc [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
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 ====Prerequisite==== ====Prerequisite====
   * //JDK 17// or later   * //JDK 17// or later
-  * OS: //Windows, Mac, Linux. +  * OS: //Windows, Mac, Linux//
   * Memory: at least 4GB   * Memory: at least 4GB
   * Disk Space (free): at least 2GB.   * Disk Space (free): at least 2GB.
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    * start server by running //startTestOptimalServer.sh//    * start server by running //startTestOptimalServer.sh//
 +   * run following docker command to start TestOptimal server:
 +      docker run -p 8888:8888 testoptimal/mbt:7.0.3
 ---- ----
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 ---- ----
-==== Eclipse and Other Java IDE Setup ==== 
-You may interact with //TestOptimal// server to perform testing in Eclipse and other Java IDEs.  Using [[https://testoptimal.com/v6/wiki/doku.php?id=integration#java_ide_connector | JavaConnector]], you can dynamically build a model and execute it on //TestOptimal// server to generate test cases. 
-In your java IDE, add the following Maven dependency to the pom.xml file: 
-  <dependency> 
-    <groupId>com.github.testoptimal</groupId> 
-    <artifactId>JavaConnector</artifactId> 
-    <version>1.0.2</version> 
-  </dependency> 
-==== License Setup ==== 
-If you were given a license key, you can enter the license key information at: [[ide_overview#manage_license | Manage License]]. 
 ==== Customization ==== ==== Customization ====