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state_model_ide [2020/05/19 03:58] – created adminstate_model_ide [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
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 ===== State Model IDE ===== ===== State Model IDE =====
 +//TestOptimal// supports state models and combinatorial design models. //State Model IDE// is used to build and execute state models.
 ---- ----
 +==== Overview ====
 +There are 6 tabs in this IDE:
 +  * [[ide_model | Model Editor]]
 +  * [[ide_script | Script Editor ]]
 +  * [[ide_dataset | DataSet Editor ]]
 +  * [[ide_requirement | Requirement Editor ]]
 +  * [[ide_result | Execution Result ]]
 +  * [[ide_artifact | Model Artifact ]]
 +Additionally, it has:
 +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_modelproperties.png?linkonly | Mode Properties }}
 +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_execsettings.png?linkonly | Execution Settings }}
 +  * [[ide_monitor | Execution Monitor ]]
 +  * {{wiki:idescreen:ide_deployrestore.png?linkonly | Model Repo: Deploy / Restore }}
 +==== Development Process ====
 +//Model-Based Testing and Automation// is an [[https://testoptimal.com/v6/img/MBT_IterativeProcess.png | Iterative Development Process]] with the following steps:
 +  * Modeling
 +  * Generation
 +  * Automation
 +  * Execution
 +  * Review/Analysis
 +Similar to agile development process, you would plan for each iteration with a set of user stories/requirements from the backlog and incrementally build on the model from the previous iteration.
 +Start with one user story / requirement, create the model and follow through //Generation//, //Automation// to //Execution//. During the process you may realize better ways to model the user story / requirement. Feel free to go back and forth to adjust model accordingly.
-==== TEST ====