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ide_overview [2020/05/24 18:02]
admin [Manage License]
ide_overview [2021/02/17 17:10] (current)
admin [Login]
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 ==== TestOptimal IDEs ==== ==== TestOptimal IDEs ====
 These are //TestOptimal IDEs and applications// available for various [[#TestOptimal Editions]]: These are //TestOptimal IDEs and applications// available for various [[#TestOptimal Editions]]:
-  * [[State Model IDE]] - PromMBT, Runtime +  * [[State Model IDE]] - available with CommunityPromMBT and Runtime 
-  * [[Data Design IDE]] - PromMBTRuntime +  * [[Data Design IDE]] - available with Community, PromMBT and Runtime 
-  * [[Server Manager ]] - SvrMgr +  * [[Server Manager ]] - available with SvrMgr 
-  * [[Dashboard ]] - ProMBT, RuntimeSvrMgr+  * [[Dashboard ]] - available with ProMBT, Runtime and SvrMgr
-The IDEs and //Server Manager// are launched with {{http://localhost:8888 | http://localhost:8888}} while //Dashboard// application is launched by clicking {{wiki:idescreen:dashboard_btn.png?20}} on the application header.+The IDEs and //Server Manager// are launched with [[http://localhost:8888 | http://localhost:8888]] while //Dashboard// application is launched by clicking {{wiki:idescreen:dashboard_btn.png?20}} on the application header.
 Buttons and field labels usually have hover message that gives the contextual information.  Additionally many application screens have {{wiki:idescreen:ide_info_btn.png?20}} that opens up more information about the screen. Buttons and field labels usually have hover message that gives the contextual information.  Additionally many application screens have {{wiki:idescreen:ide_info_btn.png?20}} that opens up more information about the screen.
-You will need to [[#Login In]] to access //IDE//.+You will need to [[#Login]] to access //IDE//.
 ---- ----
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 Hover over button, links and field labels to show contextual information. Hover over button, links and field labels to show contextual information.
-{{ wiki:idescreen:ide_main_short.png }}+ 
 === Application Header === === Application Header ===
 {{wiki:idescreen:ide_header.png}} {{wiki:idescreen:ide_header.png}}
-The application header has menu, toolbar and a set of tab selection. The far right is the application info menus.+The application header has menu, toolbar and a set of tab selection. The far right is the guided tour and application info menus.
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 == Info Menus == == Info Menus ==
-On the right of application header is [[#Info Menu]].  Click on the edition to open [[ # Manage  License]] and mouse over down-arrow to show drop-down menu items.+On the right of application header is Guide and Help hover menus.  Guide menu lists online guided tour of features of IDE
 ---- ----
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 Informational, alert and error messages are displayed in this area.  Informational, alert and error messages are displayed in this area. 
-{{ wiki:idescreen:ide_msgpane.png?400 }}+{{wiki:idescreen:ide_msgpane.png?400}}
 Upon new message is received, the message will be displayed and hide after 5 seconds.   Upon new message is received, the message will be displayed and hide after 5 seconds.  
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 ==== Login ==== ==== Login ====
-The first time you open //IDE//, you will need to set up a local account to access the server:+The first time you open //IDE//, you will need to set up a local account to access //IDE//:
 {{wiki:idescreen:ide_login_setup.png?300}} {{wiki:idescreen:ide_login_setup.png?300}}
 +Use the email address you used to request download or license.
 Subsequently you will just need to login: Subsequently you will just need to login:
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 You may change password by editing following entry in //config/config.properties//: You may change password by editing following entry in //config/config.properties//:
-   security.password.MyAcnt=enc(qEan3eThHg0\=)+   security.password.test1@mine.com=enc(qEan3eThHg0\=)
-Enter your password in clear text and restart //TestOptimal// server, the password will be encoded automatically.+Enter your password in clear text and restart //TestOptimal// server, the password will be encrypted automatically.
 +IDE times out after 60 minutes of no activity.  You will need to refresh the browser and re-login.  This setting can be adjusted by changing the following setting in /config/application.properties file:
 +   server.servlet.session.timeout=60m
 ==== Manage License ==== ==== Manage License ====
-Enter license keys and acknowledge that you have read and agreed to //TestOptimal License Agreement//.+Enter licensed email and license key you have received from the support. 
-{{ wiki:idescreen:managelicense.png?400 }}