Table of Contents

Server Manager

Server Manager is the hub for Runtime Servers, float licenses, model repository and model execution database.


Server Manager is one of TestOptimal IDE


Server tab allows you to manage Runtime Servers.

Category Code provides a way to organize Runtime Servers to serve certain models that may require specific configuration, OS type or specific software to be installed.

A runtime server may have one or many Category Code. The Runtime Server can execute a model request only if it has all of the Category Code the model request has specified.


License tab manages the float licenses.

License Group provides a way to divide multiple float licenses into groups to be used for a group of users or Runtime Servers.

You may edit or view license details:

Use License URL as the license key on end-user TestOptimal server.


Model tab allows you to view and manage models in the model repository.

It also allows you to submit models for execution on Runtime Servers and manage the model archives (versions).
