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tutorial:debugging [2020/12/31 18:38] – [Debugging automation script] admintutorial:debugging [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
Line 5: Line 5:
   * [[#Debugging test generation]]   * [[#Debugging test generation]]
   * [[#Debugging automation script]]   * [[#Debugging automation script]]
-  * [[#Debug console]] 
   * [[#Logging]]   * [[#Logging]]
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 ===== Debugging automation script ===== ===== Debugging automation script =====
-Automation scripts are called as model executes and errors are logged to the log files When trouble-shotting model execution problems, the first step is to check these log files.+Automation scripts are called as model executes. If your automation script is not functioning as expectedyou may try any of the following methods to trouble-shoot the problem: 
 +  * check //Server Log// file if receiving runtime errors 
 +  * add additional debugging messages and check //Script Log// file 
 +  * pause model and check if AUT is at the expected state 
 +  * dynamically execute scripts and validate the results 
 +    * highlight script and press //Ctrl-E// 
 +    * execute script in Debug Console in [[../ide_monitor | Monitor]] tab
-There are two log files: 
-  * server log file - system log file 
-  * script log file - model execution specific log file 
-These log files can be accessed from //RESULT// tab. 
-===== Debug console =====+===== Logging =====
 +//TestOptimal// logs runtime errors to the //Server Log// file.
-===== Logging =====+You can also log messages from your scripts by using $SYS.log(...).  The messages are written to the //Script Log// file which is cleared before each model execution. 
 +Some of the plugins may also creates driver specific log files, such as Selenium's browser drivers. 
 +All log files can be found in //logs// folder.