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tutorial:tutorial_lst [2020/12/06 23:54] admintutorial:tutorial_lst [2024/01/03 19:56] (current) admin
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 ====== TestOptimal Tutorials ====== ====== TestOptimal Tutorials ======
-  * [[https://testoptimal.com/v6/tutorials/QuickTour.html| An Overview of TestOptimal]]+  * [[https://testoptimal.com/v6/tutorials/QuickTour| An Overview of TestOptimal]]
   * [[state_modeling | State-based Modeling and Test Generation]]   * [[state_modeling | State-based Modeling and Test Generation]]
-  * Demo Model: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6tZTlgHULc | DEMO_TestGenToFile]] +  * [[https://youtu.be/IfmLqaY53Qo | MBT Modeling and Test Generation]] 
-  * [[comb_data_modeling | Combinatorial Modeling and Test Generation]]+  * Demo Model: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6tZTlgHULc |DEMO_TestGenToFile]]
   * [[scripting_state_model | Automation Scripting - State Model]]   * [[scripting_state_model | Automation Scripting - State Model]]
-  * [[scripting_comb_data_model | Automation Scripting - Combinatorial Model]] 
-  * [[plugins | Custom Plugins]] 
   * [[styling_model | Styling Your Models]]   * [[styling_model | Styling Your Models]]
 +  * [[debugging | Debugging and Model Animation]]
 +  * [[load_testing | Load Testing with Runtime Servers]]
 +  * [[https://youtu.be/CptRaJ6KIDs | Easy MBT with Java IDE]]
 Following tutorials are under development: Following tutorials are under development:
-  * [[hybrid_model | Combined Hybrid Model]] 
   * [[sub_model | Modeling with Sub-Models]]   * [[sub_model | Modeling with Sub-Models]]
-  * [[debugging | Debugging and Model Animation]] 
   * [[execution_stats | Model Execution Stats & Reports]]   * [[execution_stats | Model Execution Stats & Reports]]
   * [[requirement_traceability | Requirement Traceability]]   * [[requirement_traceability | Requirement Traceability]]
   * [[dashboard | Dashboard and KPIs]]   * [[dashboard | Dashboard and KPIs]]
-  * [[rest_api | REST APIs]] +
-  * [[load_testing | Load Testing with Runtime Servers]] +
-  * [[model_repo | Model Versioning and Model Repo]]+