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Stats Service - Batch Execution Details

Retrieves the details of Batch Execution:

  "batchID": 70,
  "desc": "Simple batch load",
  "startTS": "2014-09-17 03:20 PM",
  "endTS": "2014-09-17 03:21 PM",
  "execSvr": "Demo-PC:8888",
  "execList": [
          "execID": 335,
          "modelName": "LoadMasterSlow",
          "modelVer": "1.0",
          "AUTVer": "",
          "ReqVer": "",
          "TOVer": "4.6.13",
          "svrHost": "Demo-PC",
          "svrPort": 8888,
          "sequencer": "PathFinder",
          "keep": true,
          "browser": "firefox",
          "plugins": "Load",
          "startTime": "2014-09-17 03:20 PM",
          "endTime": "2014-09-17 03:21 PM",
          "elapseTime": "00:01:08",
          "numLoop": 1,
          "numThread": 1,
          "tcCount": 1,
          "status": "passed",
          "failCount": 0,
          "statDesc": "hjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjccccccccccsssssss",
          "batchID": 70,
          "batchGroup": ""
          "execID": 334,
          "modelName": "subLoadSlow",
          "modelVer": "1.0",
          "AUTVer": "",
          "ReqVer": "",
          "TOVer": "4.6.13",
          "svrHost": "Demo-PC",
          "svrPort": 8888,
          "sequencer": "PathFinder",
          "keep": false,
          "browser": "firefox",
          "plugins": "",
          "startTime": "2014-09-17 03:20 PM",
          "endTime": "2014-09-17 03:21 PM",
          "elapseTime": "00:01:04",
          "numLoop": 1,
          "numThread": 1,
          "tcCount": 1,
          "status": "passed",
          "failCount": 0,
          "statDesc": "Exec Suite 2014_9_17_580",
          "batchID": 70,
          "batchGroup": "batchload"