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IDE DataSet Editor

IDE DataSet Editor allows you to create and edit the dataset for a state or transition. The dataset can then be used in TRIGGER Script to perform Data-Driven Testing (DDT).

It supports combinatorial test generation algorithms including Pairwise algorithm. For more advanced data generation.

Create DataSet

To create a dataset, click on “+” mini-button. The dataset is created with a default name, proceed to rename the dataset.

DataSet Attributes

  • Algorithm - select from the drop down list of algorithms:
    • pairwise
    • 3-wise
    • 4-wise
    • 5-wise
    • 6-wise


Variables are added by clicking on . Enter a field name and the domain values to be tested with. Leave Group field blank for now, it will be explained later.

By default, fields are created to participate in the algorithm in generating test cases. You can create a field to store the verification result which you will use to record the expected value after executing the test case using the data on that row. To create a verification field, select V for Group attribute from the dropdown list.

Use the default (leave it blank) when creating non-verification field, which indicates that these fields are independent of each other.

In some cases a group of field may be related to each other and they must choose the related value from the list. For example if you have Credit Card Type and Credit Card Number fields added to the dataset and defined a list of credit card types like visa/amex/master/etc and the matching credit card number for each credit type, Credit Card Number must correspond to the matching Credit Card Type. In this case, select the same group id form Group attribute dropdown list for these fields.

By sharing the same group id, fields will take the values from their lists at the same position.

You can delete field by clicking on preceeding the field name.


Dataset can be assigned to a state or transition and datasets are automatically used during test generation to ensure transitions are traversed enough times to go through all rows in the dataset.

The rows in the dataset are retrieved and used as the states and transitions are traversed. You can access the data fields on the current row with $SYS.getData('fieldName') in any of the state and transition TRIGGER