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IDE DataSet Editor

IDE DataSet Editor allows you to create and edit the dataset for a state or transition. The dataset can then be used in TRIGGER Script to perform Data-Driven Testing (DDT).

It supports combinatorial test generation algorithms including Pairwise algorithm. For more advanced data generation.

Create DataSet

To create a dataset, click on “+” mini-button. The dataset is created with a default name, proceed to rename the dataset.

New dataset created is automatically added to the dataset drop-down list for State Properties and Transition Properties.

Dataset is assigned to state and transition by name. If dataset is renamed after it's assigned to a state or transition, you must re-assign the dataset to those states and transitions.

Define Variables

Variables are used by Combinatorial Algorithm to Generate DataTable.

  • Variable Name - variables must have unique names and preferably legal java variable names
  • Data Type - appropriate data type must be selected especially if the variables are referenced by Derived variables
  • Domain Values - a list of discrete values to be used to generate (populate) DataTable or groovy/java expression if Derived is checked
  • Derived - check this box to exclude the variable from participating in the data generation. For example the variables you will use to validate result or variables that can be derived from other variables. If you
  • Coupling - used to couple / tie this variable to another variable. For example CreditCardType and CreditCardNumber should be coupled together as CreditCardNumber for VISA must match CreditCardType of VISA. Variables coupled together must have the same number of Domain values.

Generate DataTable

Once you have the fields defined, you can generate the dataset for the fields by clicking on the regenerate link.

Algorithm - select from the drop down list of algorithms:

  • pairwise
  • 3-wise
  • 4-wise
  • 5-wise
  • 6-wise

You can remove unwanted rows by clicking on . Each field in the datatable can be edited as you wish.

If you have verification field(s), they will be left blank. You can enter the appropriate values for each row. The results will be saved if Persistence checkbox is checked.

During the model execution, the dataset will be loaded and traversed. Besides the option to traverse the datatable sequentially or randomly as described above, you can also control the sequence of which row to be used first programmatically in mScript by setting the user variable dataset name_idx.


Dataset can be assigned to a state or transition and datasets are automatically used during test generation to ensure transitions are traversed enough times to go through all rows in the dataset.

The rows in the dataset are retrieved and used as the states and transitions are traversed. You can access the data fields on the current row with $SYS.getData('fieldName') in any of the state and transition TRIGGER