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Transition Properties

Transition Properties

  • Transition Name - a unique identifier assigned to the transition.
  • Hide Name - not to display transition name on model and graphs
  • Description - a freetext description
  • Color - transition color.
  • Text Color - transition label color
  • Weight - weight (importance), transitions with higher weight will likely be traversed more often by Random sequencer
  • Traversal Required - minimum number of times the transitions must be traversed. Default 1. Set it to 0 for transitions are required to be traversed (tested).
  • Guard - boolean expression, transition can not be traversed until this condition evaluates to true
  • Guard Hint - a code / hint describing the guard
  • Satisfying Hint - matching code / hint to resolve a guard of other transitions
  • Response Max (ms) - maximum number of milliseconds when exceeded to add the traversal of this transition to the slow performance tally.

Guard Hint / Satisfying Hint

When traversing the model, sequencers must deal with the transitions that fail due to guard conditions. All sequencer are designed to automatically resolve the guard failures by finding an alternate path. Most of the time this is sufficient. From time to time the sequencer may need some hints to resolve the guard failure or find better path to resolve a particular guard failure.

Hint is a code or series of codes assigned to transitions.

  • Guard Hint - hint used to find transition/edge with matching Satisfying Hint
  • Satisfying Hint - hint used to determine if the transition/edge can be used to resolve the failed guard of a transition/edge.

Hint may be shared by multiple transitions/edges. For example a set of transitions/edges may require user to be logged in. It's obvious that in order to perform the login, you can just traverse the login transition (State Diagram) or edge that leads to the login process (Activity Diagram). Since computer doesn't know that, we need a mechanism to bridge the transition/edge that requires the login and the transition that performs the login. And we do so by assigning the designated hint to both transitions/edges.

If multiple hints are assigned (separated by comma), any of the hints will be sufficient to satisfy the demanding transition/edge.