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Tutorial: State-based Modeling and Test Generation

What is a State Model

State model is a directed graph consisting of nodes (states) and directed edges (transitions). A state represents the state of the system you are modeling and transition represents the event or action, when executed, changes the system's state from one to another.

For example, if we were to model a vending machine, we would use a state to represent the balance (money deposited) and use a transition to represent a coin being inserted into the machine.

For modeling a web application, we would use a state to represent each web page or popup dialog or the selection of a dropdown list, etc. and a transition to represent a button or link which when click will take us to another web page or a different select being made in the dropdown list.

A valid model must have:

  • one Initial node
  • one or more Final node
  • one or more states
  • transitions connecting nodes/states

and all states and Final nodes must be reachable from Initial node.

Create Model

TestOptimal supports state-based model and combinatorial model. They are both created by clicking on on the toolbar or clicking on menu File / Open/New Model:

The Menu File List opens:

By default it opens at the root folder model. Navigate to the folder that you want the new model to be stored and click on to create state-based model.

Enter the model name at the New Model prompt:

If the model is created successfully, it will be added to the model list. Go ahead and click on the model name to open it. IDE opens the new model in Model Editor.

Our goal is to create a simple model that looks like the following when completed:

Add States and Transitions

States and transitions are added by selecting the appropriate icon from the toolbar and click on the modeling canvas to add states/transition to the model.

Create Initial / Final Nodes

Since a model must have one Initial node and at least one Final node. Let's create these first and place one on the left and the other on the right of the modeling canvas:

  • select Initial node icon .
  • click on left side of modeling canvas to place Initial node
  • select Final node icon
  • click on right side of modeling canvas to place Final node

The nodes were created with a default name, let's change them to “Start” and “End”:

  • select edit mode by clicking on ★
  • open Property Pane by
    • double clicking on the node, or
    • select context menu
  • change the name as shown below:

You can re-position the nodes by dragging .

When done, close the property pane by clicking on “>” on the right side of the pane.

Create States

To add states to the model, select the state icon from the toolbar and click on modeling canvas where you want the new state to be placed.

Let's create the three states and place them between Initial and Final nodes.

States are created with a default names, go ahead and change their names to “State_A”, “State_B” and “State_C”. Your model should look like below:

Click on ★ to switch editor to edit mode.

If you want to move the states, you can do so by dragging .

Create Transitions

Transitions connect the source state to the target state. So you have to identify the source and target state for each transition. Furthermore, you will also need to decide which side of the source and target states you want the transition to start and ends. This involves tapping the sides of the source and target states.

To create a transition:

  • select ➜ on toolbar
  • click on a side of source state
  • click on a side of target state

Transition consists of segments. IDE draws the appropriate segments required to connect the states without crossing over the states.

Like creating a new state, new transitions are created with default name and they can be changed through Transition Properties, which can be accessed by:

  • double clicking on transition label, or
  • transition context menu over the transition label

Go ahead and change their names and your model should look like below, remember to select the edit mode by clicking on ★ before you can make changes to the transition.

If your transitions are not routed the way as shown above or you wish to change their routing, you can do so by dragging the transition segment.

You can also change the side of the state the start and end segment of the transition by moving the segment to the adjacent side of the state.

Transition label can also be moved by dragging on .

Create transition by clicking on ➜.★☆✪

Generate Test Cases

Make Changes

Model Graphs and Test Visualization