Server Configuration

TestOptimal has two configuration files:

  • config/ - server settings, e.g. port#, SSL, etc.
  • config/ - controls features in TestOptimal

You may perform customization by adjusting the settings in the above properties file.

Below is a list of typical customization:

Change Server Port

By default, TestOptimal Server listens on port 8888. You may change it to a different unused port by editing config/ as an example below:


Auto Start TestOptimal Server

You may set up a scheduled job to auto start TestOptimal Server by running startTestOptimalServer.bat/sh:

  • Windows: scheduled task to run startTestOptimalServer.bat following these steps: Main, Trigger, Action, Settings
  • Mac / Linux: create a cron job to run

Enable HTTPS

You may enable HTTPS using the self-signed certificate bundled in the download package by editing config/ file per instruction in the file (example below):

 ### support HTTPS: to enable HTTPS, uncomment out following settings and set server.ssl.enabled=true

If you wish to use your own certificate, you will need to copy your certificate file into /src/main/resources/keystore/ folder and adjust server.ssl.key-store setting accordingly.

All TestOptimal Servers to must have consistent HTTPS settings.


  • ACT.gen.algorithm:
    • ipog - use algorithm IPO (default)
    • ipog_d - use algorithm IPO + Binary Construction (for large systems with > 20 variables and on average > 10 values per variable)
    • ipof - use the IPOF method
    • ipof2 - use the IPOF2method
    • basechoice - use Base Choice method
  • Debug.print.plantUML: true/false (default false), internal use
  • Debug.print.stateNetwork: true/false (default false), internal use
  • Graph.orient: Horizontal or Vertical, GraphViz graph orientation, default Vertical
  • IDE.playModelDelay: >0 (default 100), pause in milliseconds used in Play model
  • ide toolbar, use menu to customize
  • modelFolder: absolute file path for model folder (default “”)
  • security.trusted.ip.addresses: ip addresses separated by comma (default *), server white list (SvrMgr server only)
  • password, xyz is email address you registered, password is encrypted. To change password: shut down server and enter new password. New password will be encrypted automatically when server is re-started.
  • License.Ack*: Y/N (default N), set it to N to force prompt to create account, server restart required
  • License.Email*: licensed email address
  • License.LicKey*: license key

* To reset security, shut down server, remove all settings “License.*” and restart server.