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Execution Monitor

Execution Monitor monitors the model execution progress status and allows execution of debugging scripts. The execution stats include the execution status, estimation of execution progress % and model coverage.

Stop Conditions

Stop condition section lists the stop condition(s) set for the model execution. Model execution is completed when any of the stop conditions evaluates to true:

  • Transitions - transition coverage in percentage, a transition is considered covered when it has been traversed Traversals Required times set in Transition Properties
  • Traversals - number of transition traversals, each time a transition is traversed is counted one traversal
  • Elapse Time - elapse time in minutes
  • Requirements - requirement coverage in percentage
  • Test Paths - number of test paths (test cases)

If no stop conditions are specified, the default stop condition is Transitions 100% or when all test paths generated by the selected sequencer have been exhausted.

Model Execution Status

  • Status - model execution status, STARTED, PAUSED, ENDED or ERRORED.
  • Virtual Users - number of virtual users (threads) specified in Execution Setting.
  • Running - active virtual users (threads)
  • Start Time - model execution start date and time
  • Elapse Time - model execution elapse time
  • End Time - date and time when model execution completed or estimated date and time when the model execution will complete
  • Progress - model execution completion in percentage
  • JVM Memory - amount of JVM heap memory in use and total amount of memory available (allocated). This percentage will fluctuate up and down and occasionally up to 100%. This is normal as long as the percentage does not stay on 90+% at all time.

Debug Expression

Debug Expression allows you to run scripts while the model is executing or execution is paused. Script will be executed on a randomly selected virtual user (thread) if more than one is running.

The results from the script execution are displayed in JSON.

Be aware that if some of functions in $SYS may depend on the thread context and thus will not return the correct value since your script will be running in a new thread. Below are the list of these functions in $SYS:

  • getCurState
  • getCurTrans
  • getCurDataSet
  • getCurTravUID
  • setTransGuardHint
  • setCurTransSatisfyingHint