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tutorial:state_modeling [2020/06/08 02:43] – [Generate Test Cases] admintutorial:state_modeling [2024/01/02 19:37] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Tutorial: State-based Modeling and Test Generation ====== ====== Tutorial: State-based Modeling and Test Generation ======
-Learning Objectives:+====Learning Objectives ====
   * [[#What is a State Model]]   * [[#What is a State Model]]
   * [[#Create Model]]   * [[#Create Model]]
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 Since a model must have one //Initial// node and at least one //Final// node. Let's create these first and place one on the left and the other on the right of the modeling canvas: Since a model must have one //Initial// node and at least one //Final// node. Let's create these first and place one on the left and the other on the right of the modeling canvas:
-  * select //Initial// node icon {{wiki:overview:ide_model_btn_initial.png?16}}+  * select //Initial// node icon {{wiki:overview:ide_model_btn_initial.png?16}}
   * click on left side of modeling canvas to place //Initial// node   * click on left side of modeling canvas to place //Initial// node
   * select //Final// node icon {{wiki:overview:ide_model_btn_final.png?16}}   * select //Final// node icon {{wiki:overview:ide_model_btn_final.png?16}}
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 {{wiki:overview:tut_new_model_state_trans_created.png?500}} {{wiki:overview:tut_new_model_state_trans_created.png?500}}
-If your transitions are not routed the way as shown above or you wish to change their routing, you can do so by dragging the transition segment.+==== Arranging States and Transitions ==== 
 +States and transitions can be re-positioned on the model while in //Edit// mode. 
 +=== Moving State === 
 +To move a state, mouse over the state and drag on  {{wiki:overview:ide_model_icon_move.png?16}}. 
 +=== Moving Transition === 
 +If the transitions are not routed the way as shown above, you can change the transition routing by dragging the transition segment
 +When you move the start or end segment of the transition to the adjacent side of the state, the transition will be re-routed from that side of the state. 
 +=== Moving Transition Label === 
 +Transition label can also be moved: mouse over the transition label and drag on  {{wiki:overview:ide_model_icon_move.png?16}}. 
 +Transition label is positioned from the position of the start segment from the source state.  This ensures that they are re-positioned automatically when its source state or transition start segment is moved.
-You can also change the side of the state the start and end segment of the transition by moving the segment to the adjacent side of the state. 
-Transition label can also be moved by dragging on {{wiki:overview:ide_model_icon_move.png?16}}. 
 Be sure to save the model changes before moving on to next. Be sure to save the model changes before moving on to next.
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 Explanation on //RESULT// tab is covered in a separate tutorial.  We will just review the test cases generated in the "Test Case" section. Explanation on //RESULT// tab is covered in a separate tutorial.  We will just review the test cases generated in the "Test Case" section.
 +===== Model Graphs and Test Visualization =====
 +In addition to the test case list described in the previous section, you can view the test cases in graphs:
 +  * {{wiki:overview:tut_new_model_graph_trav.png?linkonly | Traversal}}
 +  * {{wiki:overview:tut_new_model_graph_cov.png?linkonly| Coverage}}
 +  * {{wiki:overview:tut_new_model_graph_msc.png?linkonly | Test Case}}
 +Click on each of the graphs on {{wiki:overview:tut_model_btn_graphs.png?250}}. 
 +The graphs should be self-explanatory.
 ===== Make Changes ===== ===== Make Changes =====
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 If you are modeling a workflow or process, you can use //Swimlanes// to distinguish multiple different process and actor. If you are modeling a workflow or process, you can use //Swimlanes// to distinguish multiple different process and actor.
-===== Model Graphs and Test Visualization ===== 